Education Center
How to Set a Budget
Before you can effectively set a budget, you must determine your monthly expenses and other financial obligations (which might include anything from extra money for tipping a nanny or babysitter to assisting an elderly or college-age family member with additional money for groceries). Once you know the amount of money you owe and to whom you owe it, you can better prioritize your bills and set a budget that allows you to pay all your…
Easy Ways to Track Your Spending
As a consumer, you must track and review your financial information regularly to remain aware of your spending patterns, including unhealthy spending habits that could be hurting your wallet. The key to tracking your spending is using safe, effective tools that offer convenience, security and organization. Tracking apps and websites on the Internet are one option. And if you are already using online banking, you can continue tracking your spending that way. Otherwise, you can…
How to Choose a Financial Adviser
When you start looking around for a financial adviser, you’re going to quickly realize that almost anyone can call themselves a financial adviser, but not everyone who claims to be an adviser actually is one. Even worse, many financial advisers aren’t interested in protecting you or your money; all they truly want is to make a commission off you every time they persuade you to alter your investments. So how do you choose a financial…